IPv4 to IPv6 conversion: Everything you have to know

The internet is undergoing a very rapid transition from IPv4 to IPv6. This transition has benefited large organizations worldwide, as it gives them room to expand their internet infrastructure, including their computer networks. Since IPv6 uses 128 bits instead of the 32 bits used by IPv4 for addressing, it potentially allows for the assignment of 2128-bit addresses. As a result, IPv6 provides long-term remedies for most issues that arise when using IPv4.

However, an inventory of IP addresses/devices, as well as crucial DHCP and DNS resources utilized in businesses, are required to meet the criteria of the transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

DevOps teams can quickly identify available addresses with tools like SolarWinds® IP Address Manager. Continue reading this article to learn more about the IP addresses and steps on how to change IPv4 to IPv6.

How to change IPv4 to IPv6

The First major Internet Protocol was developed in the 1970s when the IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) was used. Originally intended for use in a closed military Because IPv6 is not backward compatible, a full migration from IPv4 to IPv6 may not be achievable. Because of this, a site is either using IPv6 or is not. It differs from other new technology implementations in which the newer version is backward compatible, allowing the older system to continue to function with the newer version without any extra adjustments.

We have a few technologies that can be used to enable a slow and seamless transition from IPv4 to IPv6 to address this shortcoming.

Dual Stack Routers

In DSR, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be specified on a router’s interfaces, pointing to the network of the appropriate IP protocol. With the aid of a Dual Stack Router, a server with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can now communicate with all hosts on IPv4 and IPv6 networks.

The Dual Stack Router is capable of connecting to both networks. It provides a way for the hosts to connect to a server without having to change their IP addresses.


When several IP versions are present on transit or intermediate paths, tunnelling offers a superior alternative by allowing user data to travel through an unsupported IP version. With the use of the Tunnel, IPv4 networks can communicate with a transit or intermediary IPv6 network. Additionally, a tunnel could be used by the IPv6 network to communicate with IPv4 networks.

NAT protocol translation

The NAT Protocol Translation technology enables IPv4 and IPv6 networks that are unable to understand addresses from different IP versions to communicate with one another. A server on the internet that is IPv6 enabled and does not understand IPv4 addresses receives a request from a host with an IPv4 address.

The NAT-PT device can facilitate their communication in this case. The NAT-PT device or router strips down the IPv4 packet, removes the IPv4 header, adds the IPv6 header, and then transmits it over the internet to the IPv6 server when the IPv4 host sends a request packet to it. The router responds in reverse when an IPv6 server responds to an IPv4 host.

How KNX IoTech utilises IPv6

KNX IoTech aims to expand the world of smart homes and buildings with the use of IoT technology. Manufacturers and developers may be able to create their own smart living system using KNX data and Internet of Things technology. The KNX IoT point API, or genuine IoT of devices in the industry of smart homes and buildings, is the final mile of the KNX IoT technology.

Devices can now connect directly with one another across IPV6 networks without the need for a gateway thanks to the KNX point API. A KNX-based smart building or home system that is already in use can use the same methodology. Data related to lighting, HVAC, energy management, etc. will also be able to interact over IPV6 networks to facilitate effective communication between devices. The KNX IoT point API so refers to the IPV6-based connection between sensors and actuators.

Are you an IoT developer? If you are a developer interested in creating solutions based on KNX IoT technology, you can find all the resources here: KNX IoT Technology – KNX Association

Advantages of migration from ipv4 to ipv6

Switching from IPv4 to IPv6 may have the following advantages:

Enables efficient routing

IPv6 makes a contribution to more effective and hierarchical routing by lowering the size of the routing table. In order to connect to the IPv6 internet, IPv6 uses ISPs to aggregate the prefixes of several customer networks into a single, common prefix. These speeds up the process. Fragmentation can be readily handled in IPv6 networks since the source device employs a protocol to identify various Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) paths.

Process Packets More Rapidly

The use of a packet header in IPv6 streamlines the processing of packets. IPv6 does not include a header checksum, in contrast to IPv4, which employs one to find flaws in the header of the IPv4 packet. There is no need for multiple checksums because error-control capabilities are built into link-layer technologies and transport layers. This speeds up and dramatically improves the efficiency of packet processing.


A set of network protocols called Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) is used to secure, encrypt, and protect data packets. The only option to get the data packets to travel through IPSec is through the site-to-site mode provided by IPv6, even though IPSec works similarly in IPv6 and IPv4.